Monday, May 7, 2012

The Story of G.R.O.W.'s Ninth Child

There are few joys more precious in this world than that of giving hope of a future to someone who was living on the edge of extinction. Sadly, extinction does not threat only certain species in some remote African forest. It also affects millions of nameless kids walking aimlessly on the edge of cities or in the heart of bustling metropolises around the world.
So when you hear about one that was snatched from the brink of precipice, as a friend of mine likes to say, “Your heart starts dancing like an elephant.” But when you not only hear about it but in some small way play a part in the act of redemption, you are insanely beside yourself with joy.
Such was the state of my soul this past weekend when I heard that G.R.O.W.’s home for at-risk children in northern Thailand had received its ninth child (sorry, no name for now!) — an eight year old boy who up until this point had seen his share of danger, rejection, famine and abuse.
Let me back up a little. His father was forced to fend for himself on the streets of a most inhospitable city dating to a time when the son was yet to be. Tragedy struck the father early on when as a little boy he met a foreign tourist intent on seeking forbidden pleasures only a foreign visa on his passport could allow him.
To put it mildly, when that “tourist” boarded the plane that would take him home, he had left in his wake a trail of destruction that reached the very core of a very badly bruised young boy. By the time he ordered his red wine and settled nicely into the cushy seat of his first class cabin, the  little pieces of what was once a somewhat whole person were now splattered indiscriminately — so disfigured it would be nearly impossible to gather them up and glue them together again.
The boy grew into a man who kept on living between the streets, gay bars, failed marriages and a constant search for a suitable occupation that could now help him feed the little one who seemed attached to him wherever his feet took flight. Like the P. S. in a letter, the boy was an appendage, a backpack someone only remembers when it is time to get another thing out of it.  But quietly, without his knowledge, a conspiracy of kindness had been brewing to save him.
For four years a young lady who is now a staff member of G.R.O.W. in Thailand had been watching this boy. On several occasions she had literally intervened to take him out of danger. Seeing the “backpack” being thrown around without mercy, all she could do was pray and wait patiently for her time to act. The day finally came last Sunday. I won’t tell you the details, but the boy is now safely in the G.R.O.W. home in northern Thailand.
He traveled light — only a plastic bag to his name, but his heart was heavy with bad memories. When he saw his own bed, he was afraid to jump in because never in a million years could he imagine it was his — he never had a bed attached to his name. He arrived late in the evening. “Are you hungry?” They asked. “No,” he said. They insisted and he finally confessed: “I had one little plastic bag of noodles which I mixed with some cold water.” “All day?” “Yes, all day.” When asked why he lied, he said, “My dad told me not to tell you this.”
Later, he was jumping in bed, hearing the other children tell stories about school. “Is it true that I can go to school too?” He asked. He had so many questions it was hard for him to fall asleep, but when he did, it was a heavenly sleep, one he didn’t even know existed in this world.
And six thousand miles away I too couldn’t sleep but this time it was out of sheer joy.
“Just as crying may come at night, you can be sure that joy comes in the morning!” (Psalm 30:5).
Ivanildo C. Trindade

Saturday, February 11, 2012


This is a special announcement to all of our friends and supporters: we are opening our first home in Battambang, Cambodia. During my recent trip to Cambodia, Sumitra Faa and I had the opportunity to interview three couples who had shown interest in this position. From the beginning we felt drawn to Sambo and his family. He was amply qualified for the work, and he and his wife were already involved in rescuing children in the city where they lived. We interviewed them twice and presented their names to the board at our recent meeting.

We asked the Board to pray and spoke with Sambo during the meeting, at which time we agreed to move the process ahead. By the grace of God, a donor had provided most of the funds to cover the expenses of running the home for the first year. We still have needs that will have to be covered by future contributions, but felt confident to move ahead with this plan. We are operating with a bare-bone budget but trusting God for the future. Before the end of the year, our plan is to see six new girls who have been victims of physical and/or sexual abuse. They will join Sambo’s family and enjoy a new life where they will no longer be in danger and with time will be able to have the hope of glory.

While in Battambang, Sumitra and I looked at several houses we intended to rent. Most of the houses were far from what we would consider adequate for the work we do with children. But on our last day there, God allowed us to go to a home we really liked and we found the landlords were very open to our work. They even agreed to reduce the rent significantly and by God’s grace Sambo and his family will be moving to that house on or by February 15th. We couldn’t be more happy with this!

Sambo, Sopha, and their daughters Mary (8), Ruth (5), and Katrina (1) have been serving the Lord for several years now. They have started a couple of churches and until recently were operating an English teaching school for youth in their town. During the recent flooding in Cambodia, they took in 8 children whose parents became homeless and were no longer able to pay for their schooling. They love their people and have shown again and again that they are willing to sacrifice in order to help “the least of these.”

Please pray for Sambo and Sopha:

Pray for their move to Battambang;
Pray that their children will adjust well to the new city and schools;
Pray that they will remain healthy;
Pray for the right girls to be brought to the home;
Pray for Sambo and Sopha as they meet people and organizations who are already working with children who are suffering abuse.
Pray that God will provide the necessary support to keep this home running at the optimum level.

As I said above, there will be some extra needs associated with starting this home that are not covered by the budget. If you would like to contribute toward those needs, please send your donation to G.R.O.W. marked “Cambodia, start up”  (P. O. Box 1862. Wooster, OH 44691). All your gifts are tax-deductible.      

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support or the ministry of G.R.O.W. in SE Asia. We are excited about this new step but also understand that this is a huge step of faith. Please continue to pray that God will move ahead of us and that we will continue to put Him at the center of everything we do.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
G.R.O.W. President, on behalf of the G.R.O.W. Board 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Faa in the U.S.

I have been watching as God works through and in Faa during these last few weeks since she got here in the U.S. What a delight it has been to see how she connects with people through her humble story of obscure beginnings and great destinies.

Faa is in the U.S. raising prayer and financial support for G.R.O.W. She has traveled to Missouri, Illinois, Ohio and is now in Texas. Tomorrow she goes to California and returns to Ohio again on September 21. I would like to ask you to continue to pray for a successful mission for her.

Here are the priority projects Faa is working on:

1. To raise 100 prayer supporters for our ministries;
2. To raise 170 monthly supporters (who will give $35.00 per month). Click here to donate;
3. To raise $15,000.00 to buy a truck for transportation for the G.R.O.W. children;
4. To move to a better location and more spacious location before the end of this year.

Thank you for your prayers and if you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
GROW President

Friday, February 5, 2010

The G.R.O.W. Home

Hello everyone!

I am back to blogging here after my trip to Asia. As some of you know, Faa was able to be with us during the time we were in Cambodia. It was her first time there and I believe she benefited a lot from observing the work of rescuing children in that part of the world.

Faa flew with our team from Phnom Penh to Chiang Mai. She had warned me about a surprise. When we arrived, we were greeted by her sister Ning, her niece Beam and the two newest girls who arrived at the home only on January 15. They gave us a flower necklace, which we immediately wrapped around our necks and savored the wonderful smell which was a harbinger of good things to come.

That night we had dinner at the G.R.O.W. home and then worshipped with the children. Ning had prepared a delicious meal and we ate it heartily. The worship time was so beautiful, with all of us sitting low on the floor, Faa playing her guitar and leading the singing, the children reciting Bible verses and a time of prayer of thanksgiving following. We had a little piece of heaven right there.
During the sharing time Faa's sister shared her prayer to God from a few years back. She actually read from the piece of paper where she had offered herself to God and promised Him that if He chose to use her she would dedicate her life to rescue at risk children. She spoke very specifically of her dream, including the physical characteristics of the place where the children would live. Her dream includes much space for the children to play, homes for boys and girls, a learning center and a place to worship together.

As Faa was translating, she wept and for a moment couldn't continue because she never knew of her sister's prayer and was hearing about it for the first time. What touched her heart deeply was her sister's humble assertion to God that she was nothing, only a hill tribe girl with nothing to offer. Having lived daily the pain of being rejected for being Akha, Faa knew exactly what her sister was talking about. She could relate to the daring aspect of that sincere prayer. We were all moved beyond words. As I looked at Faa, I also realized that she was weeping because her dream was an exact copy of Ning's dream. It could only have come from God!

The G.R.O.W. home is a three story building located in a alley sided by other similar apartments. Admittedly, it is still a far cry from Ning's and Faa's dream. But it is a very significant step in the right direction. A few months ago they were only using a small space in this building because other tenants were also sharing the rooms. Now they have the use of the whole apartment. They also have added some "amenities" which they could only dream of until recently, like a refrigerator, water heaters for the showers, chairs, beds and a kitchen table, among others.

The children have no room to play outside. I saw the little boy pedaling his bike from the kitchen to the small eating area and back and it made me somewhat sad. It is a good thing that they are taken to a park nearby every couple of weeks but the children most definitely need more space to play. They end up running around the house, mostly chasing Faa or being chased by her, laughing her hearts out, screaming, occasionally bumping into each other and having little episodes. But overall they are doing very well.

Faa runs the home with a keen sense of organization, being careful to keep schedules, including what is being served for the different meals -- which the children hold her to religiously. She has them rotating between different meaningful activities after they come back from school and the children react very well to the structure. The two little girls are only learning now but Faa utilizes the two older kids to teach the new ones how things ought to be. It is a beautiful thing to watch.

I want to thank all of you who have contributed to allow us to plant this little seed which is already bearing much fruit. Without your help we couldn't have done it.

"With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
G.R.O.W. President
P.S. I will be posting more about our experience with G.R.O.W. in Thailand here. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blogging in Asia

While we are in Asia, we will be bloggin here. Please bookmark this page if you want to follow us in Asia. And pray for us and our ministry to at risk children in Cambodia and Thailand.

Thank you!

Pastor Ivanildo Trindade

Off We Are!

Hello everyone,

Today begins a long journey for our team. We welcome you to check on what's happening with our Asia team here. We will blog as often as possible and as long as the spotty Internet connections in those parts will allow us to. We will be with Faa in Cambodia and part of the time when we are in Chiang Mai, including spending one night in the G.R.O.W. home with the kids!

We are excited to represent our church in this trip, especially because we will have the opportunity to hug the children that we have rescued in both Thailand and Cambodia. We realize that even though this is a tough trip that requires gobs of time and commitment on our part, it is also a TREMENDOUS PRIVILEGE to be able to do it.

Thank you for praying for our whole team. I am fighting a sinus infection right now. Uhgghhhh.... Saw my wonderful doctor yesterday (Dr. Fast) who gave me some antibiotics. Hesitantly, I started the regimen last night. I am praying that the meds will work or that God will cure me without the meds. Thanks for joining us in your prayers.

I am trying to finish last minute stuff before we left, but wanted to do this quick post to share our schedule with you. Please bear in mind that all times listed are local times in the city listed. Cambodia and Thailand are 12 hours ahead of us right now. We should be arriving in Phnom Penh, the Capital of Cambodia, on Thursday, 10 p.m. Wooster time, which will be Friday, 10:00 PP time, on January 22. But it won't make any difference because we won't know where we are by then! Later that day we drive to Battambang, the second largest city in Cambodia and will probably arrive there 9-10 p.m. on Friday (9-10 Friday morning in Wooster). Are you following all of that?

Okay, here is the schedule:

SE Asia January 2010 (Tentative) Team Schedule

Wednesday, January 20,1:00 p.m. – leave from the office to Cleveland Hopkins
5:00 p.m. – flight to L.A.
7:09 p.m. – arrive in L.A.
11:25 p.m. – leave for Taipei, Taiwan

Friday, January 22, 6:00 a.m. – arrive in Taipei
7:25 a.m. – leave Taipei to Phnom Penh, Cambodia
10:00 a.m. – arrive in Phnom Penh
12:00 p.m. – team goes to the hotel
2:50 p.m. – Faa arrives in Phnom Penh
4:00 p.m. – team leaves for Battambang
9:00 p.m. – team arrives at the TEO hotel in Battambang

Saturday, January 23, 8:00 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting at the TEO
9:00 a.m. – team rides to Grace Place: Battambang
12:00 noon – lunch with AH staff
2:00 p.m. – team returns to GP:BT
6:00 p.m. – supper at restaurant
9:00 p.m. – back to the TEO

Sunday, January 24, 8:00 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting at the TEO
9:00 a.m. – church service at the pavilion (worship with the orphans)
12:00 noon – team takes Kanes to lunch
2:00 p.m. – visit points of light, micro-
enterprise projects with Kanes
6:00 p.m. – team returns to GP:BT
9:00 p.m. – back to the TEO

Monday, January 25, 7:00 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting at the TEO
8:00 a.m. – leave for Phnom Penh
1:00 p.m. – arrive in Phnom Penh, go to the market, shop
6:00 p.m. – dinner
8:00 p.m. – back to the guest house

Tuesday, January 26, 8:00 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting
9:00 a.m. – visit Toul Sleng museum
10:00 - 1:00 a.m. – visit/work at the dump site, pack lunch
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. – visit the state orphanage
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. – visit other AH orphanages in Phnom Penh, meet with AH staff
7:00 p.m. – dinner at the Thmorda
9:00 p.m. – back to the guest house

Wednesday, January 27, 6:30 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting
7:30 a.m. – leave for Phnom Penh airport
9:40 a.m. – leave Phnom Penh
10:50 a.m. – arrive in Bangkok
12:05 p.m. – leave Bangkok
1:20 p.m. – arrive in Chiang Mai, Go to G.R.O.W. home
2:00 p.m. – lunch at Ga lae, (Thai food) , after lunch possibly to slum area for Hill tribe people

Thursday, January 28, 8:00 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting
10:00 a.m. – visit International Justice Mission
12:00 –lunch with Kaow soi (Chaing Mai food) and shopping
2:30 p.m. – visit AGAPE ministries (dealing with AIDS patients)
4:00 p.m. – Garden of Hope (street children)
5:00 p.m. – prayer walk in slum are for Hill tribe people in CM
6:30 p.m. – supper at Night Market or Palad tawan wron
9:00 p.m. – go to Flinchum’s

Friday, January 29, 7:30 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting at Flinchum’s 8:00 a.m. – leave for Weing Pa Pao, will spend the day and night there with kids at Grace Place:Thailand)

Saturday, January 30, 8:00 a.m. – dedication of GP:TH
12:00: p.m. – lunch
2:00 p.m. – return to CM, go shopping
7:00 p.m. – dinner
8:30 p.m. – team meeting

Sunday, January 31, 7:30 a.m. – breakfast
9:00 a.m. – church at Doi Soket 1 (with all the orphans)
12:00 noon – lunch
4:30 p.m. Student Center worship , Afterwards, got to walking night market (Optional)

Monday, February 1, 7:30 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting
8:30 a.m. – leave for youth detention center, do service there
12:00 noon – lunch with AH staff
Afternoon – shopping and packing

Tuesday, February 2, 8:00 a.m. – breakfast and team meeting
9:00 a.m. – leave for CM airport
1:25 p.m. – leave to Taipei
5:55 p.m. – arrive in Taipei
11:40 p.m. – leave for L.A.
7:05 p.m. – arrive in L.A.
10:55 p.m. – leave for Cleveland

Wednesday, February 3, 6:16 a.m. – arrive in Cleveland

Note: All times are local to the city mentioned. Both Cambodia and Thailand are 12 hours ahead of Wooster, OH. There is a chance Jeana, Nathan and Pastor Ivanildo will be returning to Cleveland on 2/6.

Thanks for your prayers!

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

News From Faa

[Blogger's Note: I received the following from Faa yesterday].

Hi everyone,

How are you doing? I hope all of you doing so well! and enjoy with SNOWS!! i wish i should be there when it is snowing.I miss all of you so much and thank you so much for your prayers!.

The kids doing good and very excited to pray for new house, I was excited to see the kids go to school, every morning my tears came out every because of God's grace for us day by day, i don't know what i have to do but just pray to God and praise what God had done for the kids and for me.

Please pray for Seksun he have appointment to go to the hospital to see the doctor dentists on Friday he doesn't like and very scare, i understood what he feel.

I am still awake cant sleep, very hot weather for me now I need to sleep so much but i cant because of the next block with us they build contraction very noisy and the people drink alcohol everyday i am pretty scare!!!

I was happy to be home and have a lot of fun with the kids. See the people work on the street i wish all of you can see someday. I cant drive motorcycles yet cause my driverlicen gone for 5 months and i have to waiting till next week cause i have to prepare the document from the hospital i don't like to go to see the doctor but i have to.

I have some new house pics looking for from my sister took and i went to see it is good and some have to do so many thing too.

Today i went to visit a couple married they share story about rent house to staying in the city they told me a story by tears because of when they live there and the owner knew that they are hill tribe let them leaved from the house they rent between 3 hrs. and they stayed there only 8 days and payed 1,000 baht. The owner throw out the money deposit on the ground the owner did like them animals. I feel so hurt and sad so much when i heard this story make me cry and cry.

Please pray for us.

Faa Sumitra